ADHD Cork Closure
We, the ADHD Ireland team, were very sorry to hear that ADHD Cork is closing. The following is a message from their team …
“It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of ADHD Cork Group due to a number of circumstances beyond our control, along with a lack of volunteers to sit on the management committee. ADHD Cork office, within the Bessborough Centre, closed from Friday the 30th of April 2021.
There has been mention of a new support group forming, however there is currently no solid information available, this will be communicated if/when this happens.
If you need support in the meantime, please contact ADHD Ireland on (01)8748349 or email: [email protected]. Alternatively, there are further resources available via their website at
The Committee would like to thank Joe for all the hard work, dedication and support that he has given to the group for over the last 20 years and wish him all the best in the future.
Many thanks and best regards to all the families that have participated in the group over the years. We wish you all well and thank you for all the sharing and chats along the journey.
Kind regards from Joe and the management committee 🌈 “
Thank you, ADHD Cork for all your work and we wish you all the best going forward.