The Adult ADHD App
The ADHD in Adults National Clinical Programme in partnership with ADHD Ireland and the UCD School of Psychology developed the Adult ADHD App.
The App provides specific information for adults who have ADHD or think they may have ADHD. It is available to download from apple and google app stores ( see below).
The app provides self-care and signposting information regarding adult ADHD. It is important to note that is not a treatment programme or a replacement for medical advice and care.
The Adult ADHD App poster may also be useful to those working in a healthcare setting.
The app is designed to help adults:
- who think they may have ADHD
- diagnosed with ADHD and seeking further information
- diagnosed with ADHD as children and requiring on-going treatment as adults
- attending mental health services in whom ADHD has not been recognised
- and family and friends of adults with ADHD.