Sports Day! At home…
We all know we have been extremely lucky with the weather over the past few weeks, but we need it even more than ever now as the primary school year edges towards its close.
Around this time of year, our schools usually turn on a pretty fun and active sports day for our kids, but given the fact that school has moved home and home has become school… it’s all a very grey area for parents who might want to give their kids a taste of that summer sports’ day fun despite the lack of classmates!
Here is our At-Home Sports’ Day Plan:
- Sack racing: grab a bin bag each and either run in the back/front garden or else in a nearby park
- Spud and spoon racing: a small potato and a tablespoon is all you need for this old reliable favourite
- Three-legged race: partner up (if you have enough people!) and tie one of your legs to your partner’s leg with a rope or scarf
- Wheel-barrow race: decide who will be the barrow and who will “push” – the person who is the barrow must walk with their hands while their partner holds their legs
- Egg toss: stand 1m apart and throw an egg between you and your partner. Whoever the egg breaks on loses the game. You could use a few eggs and boil one of them so that when you toss the eggs, you won’t know which one will break or not!
- Obstacle Course: Set up 10 stations
- Hula hoop – 10 times
- Jumping jacks – 10 times
- Crawling – set up 2 chairs and crawl under them
- Throwing – throw a ball into a paper bin
- Skipping – 10 skips on one leg
- Hop along – place an inflated balloon between your knees and hop from one mark to another
- Animal movements – Crab walk (arms behind your head and back facing downwards)
- Animal movements – Frog jump (hunker down and hop like a frog!)
- Animal movements – slither like a snake (on your belly, go for it!)
- Nose pushing – tape down an empty paper towel roll onto a table and the challenge is to push a small ball / rolled up tin foil into the paper towel roll with only your nose
The fun can be endless! While the weather is good enough, why not get out there and try your own family sports’ day?
Remember to plan ahead and prepare lots of drinks and healthy snacks to keep your children hydrated and enjoying the fun day outdoors.
For more great family sports’ day ideas, click here