ADHD Support group for Parents of Young People with ADHD
ADHD Ireland also offers a monthly support group for parents of young people with ADHD. This is a fantastic opportunity to get together with individuals in similar situations and to openly discuss challenges as well as positive experiences with the group.
The group is open to all parents and guardians of young people with ADHD; to enquire further about attending the group, please fill out the form below and we will contact you with details of upcoming meetings.
For more information on our upcoming support groups for parents with younger children, visit the Events
ADHD Ireland’s Parenting Courses
(Parents Plus for ADHD)
ADHD Ireland runs parenting courses for parents of younger children who have had a diagnosis of ADHD and others for parents of teenagers who have ADHD.
These are designed by Dr Carol Fitzpatrick, who is the co-developer of the award winning Parents Plus Programmes, which are practical and positive, evidence-based parenting courses. Carol developed an adapted version of this excellent program for parents of children with ADHD.
They are also facilitated by an experienced representative from ADHD Ireland, who either has ADHD themselves and/or is a parent of a child or adult with ADHD.
For more information on our upcoming courses for parents with younger children, visit the News and Events page or alternatively, fill in your details below and we will contact you with details of our upcoming events.